Exclusive statistics and analysis of the solar PV market
Solar PV energy is the fastest growing energy source in the world. Brazil is one of the sunniest countries and has a continental size that gives it the opportunity to become a leading nation in solar photovoltaic. There is still a lot of potential to be developed! Check out the current position of Brazil in the world ranking:

Source: ABSOLAR, 2020. | IEA PVPS, 2018-2020. | IRENA, 2020.
Trajectory of solar PV energy in Brazil
ANEEL’s Consulta Pública nº 015/2010 public consultation is published, in order to reduce the barriers for the installation of distributed generation (DG) from renewable energy sources in Brazil.
The Portaria INMETRO Nº 004/2011 decree and Chamada Pública Nº 013/2011 public call improve fundamental rules and gather relevant knowledge to support decisions on how distributed solar PV systems should operate in the country.
REN 482/2012 is published: the Brazilian net-metering system is finally born!
ABSOLAR is founded and the first Brazilian solar PV electricity auction is held in the state of Pernambuco. Simultaneously, the distributed solar PV market slowly starts to develop.
The first national solar PV electricity auction, a Reserve Energy Auction (LER), is held, resulting in 31 large-scale solar PV power contracts, with a total contracted capacity of 889.66 MWac.
April – 2015
Publication of the Convênio ICMS Nº 16/2015 which authorize the Brazilian States to exempt state taxes over net-metering electricity from distributed generation with up to 1 MW of installed capacity.
October – 2015
The Lei Nº 13.169/2015 reduced federal taxes PIS (Program for Social Integration) and COFINS (Contribution for Social Security Financing) under the net-metering system solely to the net eletriticy consumption from the grid.
December – 2015
Creation of the Development Program for Electric Energy Distributed Generation (ProGD).
Solar PV participates for the first time in the Leilão de Energia Nova A-4 auction, resulting in 20 large-scale solar PV power contracts.
January – 2018
Solar PV reaches its first gigawatt (GW) of cumulative installed capacity in Brazil!
May – 2018
ANEEL opens the Consulta Pública Nº 010/2018 public consultation in order to review the rules for distributed solar PV in Brazil.
January – 2019
Solar PV centralized generation reaches 2 GW of cumulative installed capacity and becomes the 7th biggest electricity source in Brazil, surpassing nuclear power!
June – 2019
Distributed solar PV reaches its first GW of cumulative installed capacity!
August – 2019
All Brazilian States join the Convênio ICMS Nº 16/2015 and support state tax exemptions for net-metering electricity from distributed generation.
October – 2019
Solar PV participates for the first time in the Leilão de Energia Nova A-6 auction, resulting in 11 large-scale solar PV power contracts.
Distributed solar PV reaches 4 GW of cumulative installed capacity!
What do we get by investing in solar PV energy?
Solar PV has a immense potential and provide a vast range of positive benefits to people, companies, governments and the society in general. The sector contributes to the world and the country’s sustainable development, especially in three spheres: socioeconomic, environmental and strategic.
Find below some highlights of the positive impacts solar PV brings forward:
• Strong local job creation, with an average of 30 jobs per MW installed per year. In Brazil alone, this added new 92 jobs to the country per day along 2019.
• Strenghthening the local, regional and national economies.
• Diversification of the Brazilian electricity matrix and improved security of supply.
• Reduction of transmission and distribution losses on the electric system, helping to reduce costs to the electricity bills of consumers.
• Generation of clean, renewable, sustainable electricity to society.
• Increase in the use of renewable energy in Brazil.
• Reduction in the emissions of carbon dioxide and other harmful substances.
• Contribution to the green house gases emissions reduction target in the country (NDC).